The first white-label digital wallet with a built-in Bantotal lending module

A scalable service designed to boost your business, with the confidence of being backed by the Bantotal core banking platform.

Grow your business with AP Wallet+

AP Wallet+ is a complete wallet, designed to boost the business of banks, loan companies, cooperatives and mutuals, insurers and private medicine companies, among others.

With AP Wallet+ you will be able to:



Growth opportunities by incorporating a white label B2B digital wallet.



New clients incorporating a dynamic and flexible digital channel.



Your users with all the features of an agile and modern digital wallet.

AP Wallet+ with the support of Bantotal

The AP Wallet+ Loan module is unique in the market, because it works based on the Bantotal platform, the leading core banking solution in Latin America, guaranteeing trust and security.

Our experience of more than 40 years

Carrying out implementations and projects within the financial industry makes our clients feel confident in contracting a scalable service, backed by the robustness of being carried out through the loan module of the Bantotal core banking platform.

A flexible solution

We develop customizable projects designing together with the client, the best solution that suits your business in order to improve the end user experience.

Used technology

Estructura modular con funcionalidades

Usuario UX

Persona cliente, usuario final de AP Wallet+.
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BackOffice B2B

Empresa u organización que adquiere AP Wallet+.
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Experiencia de usuario (UX)

BackOffice B2B

At Accion Point we are your ally

At Accion Point we established an autonomous and multidisciplinary team that works on the construction and continues to work on the constant growth of AP Wallet +, always bearing in mind the following premises:

Agile processes.

Technological innovation.

Creating a solution that generates value in our client.

Understanding the business and dynamics of the digital wallet market.

accion point

Keep learning with a specialist